Labour market



Active project

The purpose of the project „Strategic Intelligence for Research and Innovation“ is to provide analytical capacity and data-based strategic information (i.e. strategic intelligence services) to public administrations and research organizations for the implementation of research, development and innovation policy.

Digital Individual Learning Accounts (DILA) in the Visegrad countries

Active project

The project is aimed at supporting Member States in developing an enabling frameworkfor Individual Learning Accounts and, in effect, contributes to increasing the number of adult learners. The main objective of the project is to model and test a data model that would allow using AI technologies for personalised training recommendations and efficient spending through a delivery mode such as Individual Learning Accounts (ILAs).

The project is financed by the European Union. 


Active project

The purpose of the SkillsNet network is to bring together qualified researchers and other experts in the areas of employment, labour market and education. Their task is to address issues focusing on the rapidly changing requirements for the knowledge and skills of the workforce and on the methods of their identification so that education systems can respond to them in a timely manner through the training of both pupils and adults. The network was set up by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) in 2003.

Managing migration with a special focus on Ukraine as a tool for reducing the workforce deficit and increasing the competitiveness of Czech industry

Completed project

The main objective of the project is to uncover the potential of the Ukrainian labor force to reduce the expected shortage of labor force in selected sectors of mechanical engineering. In addition, the key professions and skills that should be covered by foreign labor force together with proposed forms and content of educational programs and accompanying support measures to accelerate the adaptation and integration of foreign labor in the relevant segment of the Czech labor market will be identified. An aim is to create a methodology for measuring the success and efficiency of migration and the integration of workers and to propose indicators for continuous monitoring of the impacts of individual technical professions' deficits on the performance of enterprises in the mechenical egineering. Besides, labour force demands of the manufacturing sector in relation to Industry 4.0 are assessed.

SKILLS-CLOSE: The relationships between skills, schooling and labor market outcomes: A longitudinal study

Completed project

Comprehensive research project funded by Czech Science Foundation aimed on formation of skills and their relationship to labor market outcomes, as well as to evidence on skill creation and its impact in the Czech Republic.  In this project, National Training Fund will primarily focus on the skills of the adult population and their role in the labor market. Is is responsible for the part “Effects of skills on earnings and other labor market outcomes of adults”.


Completed project

Strengthening Key Competencies of Low-Skilled People in VET to Cover Future Replacement Positions (REPLAY-VET)

REPLAY-VET is an ERASMUS+ strategic partnership which aims to provide the disadvantaged and low- skilled people with targeted opportunities to acquire the VET skills to cover the job vacancies in Europe resulting from replacement demand. 

VET-EDS: Effective Forecasting as a mechanism for aligning VET and Economic Development Strategies

Completed project
The project focuses on mapping examples of good practice in order to make adapt educational system to the labour market needs in selected countries (Czech Republic, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Scotland, Sweden, Spain, and UK). The project also includes the development and use of information about the future development of skill needs.


Completed project

Real time LMI is project organized by Cedefop in cooperation with Interuniversity Research Centre on Public Services (CRISP), University Milano Bicocca. National Training Fund (NTF) is in this project as a member of the Consortium.

Malopolska Observatory

Completed project
Project duration: May 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015
Under this system project a transnational partnership with Regional Labour Office in Krakow is created. Project is based on partnership in two key activities when NVF transfers its knowledge and expertise to the Polish partner. 

Elaboration of Employment and sector‘s projections to 2033

Completed project
Project duration: May 29, 2014 – January 31, 2015

Activities under this contract belong to a large project titled „ Common approach of social partners to the preparation of economic sectors for changes in pension system – the 1st stage“, which was implemented by the Czech Confederation of Employer’s and Enterpreneur’s U­nions.

Labour force monitoring and forecasting – Lithuania

Completed project
Project duration: October 30, 2013 – September 23, 2014
The main objective of the project is implementation of the quantitative skill needs forecasting model in Lithuania and production of first projection results. The development of a new modelling tool for Lithuania is based on the model used in the Czech Republic. 

Surveys and analysis commissioned by Masaryk University Brno

Completed project
Project duration: February 15, 2014 – August 30, 2014

The NOET elaborated a large analysis destinated to the Masaryk University which was focused on employability of Faculty of Sports Studies graduates. At one side it was based on the labour market development trends shown in economic sectors and professions suitable for the Faculty graduates. 

THE EU SKILLS PANORAMA – Achieving Regional and Local Impact (ARLI)

Completed project
Project duration: April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014

The ARLI project seeked to utilise a system of mutual learning to gather good practices from regional and sub-regional experts across the partner countries and to use this to support both the EU Skills Panorama – online labour market information tool developed for the European Commission.

For the ARLI project, NVF work was based on its cooperation with several Czech regions where NVF develops regional information systems on labour market as a support tool for the regional government, PES and other users.

Transferable skills across economic sectors – Role and importance foremployment at European level

Completed project
Project duration: January 1, 2010 - February 28, 2011

The overall aim of the project was to identify transferable skills and their role and importance with regard to the employability, adaptability and occupational mobility of people on the labour market. The project leader was RPIC-VIP.

Labour Market Institute (LMI): Activity 5 – System for Analyses and Forecasts of Skill Needs

Completed project
Project duration: March 31, 2007 - July 31, 2008

The objective of the LMI project, which run in five pilot regions was to streamline public employment services and improve their quality and accessibility for various groups of clients. Partners in the project included the National Training Fund, the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

The National Observatory implemented Activity 5 which was focused on proposing a system for regular analyses and forecasts of skill needs in the labour market, and for their use by employment services in their operations. The work included evaluation of foreing approaches to analyses and forecasts, and a proposal for methods to be employed in the CR.

Employers needs survey – graduates of technical and natural sciences fiedsoftertiary education

Completed project
Project duration: 2009

The aim of this study was to analyze the preparation of HR in this field at the level of tertiary education in the Czech Republic and in the EU along with the analysis of transition of this graduates into the labour market and their competency to fill a particular job.

Overseas Information Monitor Reports

Completed project
Project duration: 2007 – 2008

A total of five thematic analytical/des­criptive reports were gradually developed as part of the project. They provide information about the system of vocational education and training (VET), the labour market and the related legislation in the Czech Republic. The contracting authority is the Japanese OVTA (Overseas Vocational Training Association).

YOUTH – Young in Occupations and Unemployment: Thinking of their better integration in the labour market

Completed project
Project duration: 2007 – 2008

The project aimed to develop a comprehensive overview of the current European approaches to integrating young people into the labour market, and to choose those practices that have the potential of improving the current and future situation in this area.

In addition to the NTF the partners included the Italian CESOS and the Hungarian Szent István University Gödöllö.

Support of Elderly People Employment

Completed project
Project duration: 2005 – 2007

A project implemented by the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs that aimed to identify the situation and problems as regards the employment of elderly people. In particular, attention was paid to developing a range of appropriate suggestions on which decision makers could draw in implementing suitable solutions in line with the situation in the labour market.

The team of the National Observatory was responsible for analysing and articulating suggestions for appropriate solutions in the area of the development of the competencies and skills of elderly workers and their continuing education and training.

Mid-term skills supply and demand forecast

Completed project
National Training Fund is part of the project team focused on medium-term forecasts. The leader of team is the Warwick Institute for Employment Research (IER). The role of the National Training Fund consists in processing partial analysis of professional skills and characteristics.